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Would you apply to a company?Look for it in the company directory. Start typing the company you are interested in. If "No results" are found, you are the first one to rate it.
Rate a company
Have you applied for jobs recently?Rate the companies based on your experience! Thousands have already done so. Your rating asserts the interests of job seekers.
We work with a rating scale of 1-5 (1=worst/5=best), the displayed value is the average of all completed questionnaires received so far for a given company.
Quick decision guide based on company reviews:
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You can check the companies before sending applications
You can avoid dead ends with us.
Apply to companies with good reviews!
With your evaluation, you directly help other job seekers
a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best).
It can be completed in 1 minute.
Our independence is the guarantee for data authenticity
A good rating cannot be “purchased” + we have built a 3-fold data control into our system.
Our criteria for evaluation
What criteria do we base our evaluation on?
Correct and quick feedback
Quick and easy submission of application
Quality of job posting
Your personal experiences
Available company information
Participants in the selection process
How is the assessment carried out?
The questionnaire has a very simple structure, we assess the performance of the given company with 6 short questions. Your data and opinion will always be treated anonymously. With each fill-in, you provide a huge help for us so that a revolution for the selection culture can finally happen!
Basic data
Fill in the basic data of your application
(e.g. company, position)Application
Please select, whether you made it to the interview or test?Opinion
Rate your experience related to your application on a scale of 1-5 (max. 6 questions)Without name
Your data will be used in an encrypted form, statistics will be generated from your evaluation, you will not be identifiableWe’re done
We are ready. In less than 2 minutes, you proved that you are a conscious job seeker, congratulations!
That's why you apply for BrandCruiter partners
Are you tired of disappointments?
Do you also find it outrageous that you don’t even get a response to the applications you submitted?
It is time to apply to BrandCruiter partner companies!
Because our BrandCruiter partner logo can only be used by companies that ensure that
1. you can easily and quickly apply for their jobs,
2. during the selection process, they communicate with you on an equal footing and provide you with all the information necessary for your decision,
3. they inform you quickly and correctly about the result of your application and
4. after the selection is completed, they will ask you for feedback by BrandCruiter, because you are important to them and they can improve their processes based on your feedback.
BrandCruiter works kind of like Tripadvisor or IMDb.
Based on our questionnaire, which can be filled out about 1 minute, we publish comparable, objective evaluation statistics from job seekers to job seekers and companies about their selection practices, starting from the job advertisement to the final communication that closes the application process.
But our goal is not only to facilitate your job search.
With the help of our transparent, 21st century online tool we also want to achieve a positive change in the communication of companies and headhunters towards candidates by using the power of community evaluation.
Are you ready to join our evaluators?
We work with two questionnaires: 4 basic questions + if there is an interview/test, etc. you participated in you get 2 more questions, i.e. 6 in total.
The time to fill out is one minute.
From the perspective of job seekers, these are the most important aspects, so we ask for a grade on them:
4 basic questions:
- quick and easy application submission (no more than a few minutes)?
- are you already familiar with the company, or is it difficult to find any information about them on the Internet?
- job advertisement with specifics or cliché, meaningless phrases?
- fast and correct feedback?
+2 questions:
- your personal experience with the company?
- to what extend were the professionals participating in the selection process prepared and knowledgeable?
We will redirect you to a highly protected server where our BrandCruiter database manager is located.
Here, please accept the data protection rules, then enter
- the name of the company you would like to evaluate.
You can select this from a list when you start typing. If you can not find it in our current list of approx. 3200, you can add a new company manually.
- your email address (solely to avoid abuse of data, we will not spam you!),
- the name of the position you applied for (if you can remember it, it is enough),
- place of work, which was given in the advertisement,
- finally you choose whether you passed or “just” applied (and hopefully you got an answer from them too
Then follow the questions outlined in the “What should I evaluate” section.
From 1 to 5, just like school grades, you can evaluate the company you applied to based on the criteria above.
We defined each value in details in order to avoid subjectivity as much as possible. If you feel that none of our definitions reflects your opinion exactly, no problem! In this case, “evaluate” by your own understanding of the scale.
This email is a convenience-security feature. If you’ve finished filling it out, just delete it.
In case of interruption, you can return to our interface later from this letter and continue filling it out where you left it off.
Our most advanced evaluators usually fill in the first questions right after submitting the application, at this time they do not know yet if they receive a reply or not. In 1-2 weeks they will be able to evaluate the remaining questions as well.
When you have finished filling out the questionnaire, our system immediately anonymizes it. From then on, your “grades” will be calculated into the values of a given company, but none of your ratings can be linked to your email address.
The value shown on our website is the average value of all the evaluations received for a given company from the last 12 months (data older than this are automatically deleted).
When you like a job ad of a company, you should check the ratings of the company in question.
If you can’t find it among our company reviews displayed, use the search function. If you get the message “No results found”, unfortunately we don’t have any reviews for them yet. Please don’t forget to rate them .
What does the BrandCruiter name mean?
Brandcruiter is a play with words = brand and recruiter.
The reviews on our website show jobseekers the recruiting teams of which companies or “headhunters” are doing selection professionally, they are the ones we can call BrandCruiters!
There are two conditions for using our partner logo:
1. When signing a contract, the company signs the BrandCruiter declaration, in which the company makes a commitment to fast, transparent and equal candidate communication.
Companies using the logo should be preferred when applying, because you can expect fair treatment from them even if they don’t choose you in the end.
2. Through the BrandCruiter system, the company requests feedback from all their applicants at the end of the searches, and they use our (anonymous) statistics to continuously improve their own selection processes.
New companies added to our list by reviewers are also approved by our system administrator before publication. This usually happens within a few hours – but max. within 2 working days for sure. With this extra control, we protect our database, e.g. from having a company listed twice due to mispelling.
The statistics published on the pages of brandcruiter are EXCLUSIVELY based on the evaluations of job seekers, it is not possible for companies to buy benefits or change the data in any way.
The authenticity of the evaluations is in the interest of all three parties involved (job seekers, BrandCruiter partner companies and BrandCruiter), so they all play a role in checking the data:
- In the case of any surprising evaluations that are significantly different from the average in terms of value, frequency, or in any other characteristics, we request confirmation by e-mail (e.g. header of the application sent to the company, automatic confirmation message, etc.) from the evaluator, so that we can be sure that the evaluations in our system are genuine.
- At any time, BrandCruiter is entitled to randomly request confirmation from evaluators by e-mail in accordance with the above, thus checking the authenticity of the data for the benefit of the evaluating community.
Please behave responsibly and only send an evaluation if you have actually participated in the given selection process! Better check twice to make sure you have sent your application to the given company to be evaluated, as you can accidentally mislead fellow job seekers with incorrect information.
- Please do not evaluate an application made more than 6 months ago.
Corporate partners – companies marked with the brandcruiter logo in the company list, which have already joined the brandcruiter initiative and accepted the conditions of the BrandCruiter partnership (see above):
BrandCruiter’s corporate partners can check the e-mail address list of those who rated them in their own company’s online account (ratings and comments are not displayed alongside with it, that is your anonymity is not at risk!) so that they can be sure that we are working with real feedback.
If they do not find the e-mail address of one of our evaluators in their own applicant database, they can mark it, but they cannot delete the data.
In this case, the BrandCruiter system administrator sends an automatic email to the evaluator, in which we ask them to send some proof of their application. If it is an incorrect evaluation, the data will be deleted from the system within max. 5 days – this way we can protect the BrandCruiter community and our partners.
In this case, send your question to