How to have more applicants?
Turn all your applicants into employer brand ambassadors.

Thanks to our unique measurement and feedback method,
the candidate-focused selection culture ensures
that your target group of employees
chooses you over the competition.

What does your company gain from this?


BrandCruiter Ltd.

As an independent service provider, we collect, quantify and visualize experiences of job seekers. This way we can support the development of  candidate experience for our partners.

Our mission is to achieve a serious change in attitude: agile selection professionals who respond to all applications and much more conscious job seekers within the next few years.

Our goal is to build a bridge between professional, business-minded HR teams and applicants with our data-based process development method.

Create a candidate-focused selection culture with us and your applicants will become your employer brand ambassadors!

We measure it

At the end of the selection process, you invite your applicants to the BrandCruiter candidate experience evaluation platform, thus increasing their loyalty.

Data is collected via a structured questionnaire on BrandCruiter’s secure server.unique information

Would you like to collect unique information?

We are happy to incorporate your modular, supplementary questions.

  • Your own company design on the fill-in interface

  • Place customized messages, texts, links
  • Cloud-based access
  • GDPR compliance
  • Information security

We visualize it

We show the real-time candidate experience results with modern, easy-to-understand data visualizations:

The results of your own company are displayed with standard deviation and average per questionnaire, per question.

We also project national and sectorial benchmarks on the results, so you can also keep an eye on the competition.

  • two levels of user authorization
  • access on any device: smartphone, notebook, PC
  • foreign language interface and questionnaire
  • management of subsidiaries, even with individual user rights

We improve it

Although the data visualization quickly reveals your strengths and development points, our service package also includes regular consultations.

We collect and share good practices, monitor trends, A/B test and support your team during the overall process improvement.

We find that in just 4-12 weeks spectacularly better results can be achieved in the overall satisfaction of candidates.

Who do we recommend it to?

It is indispensable for the B2C sector, as their applicants and customers/buyers overlap. They can’t afford not to pay attention to the candidate experience!

Large companies with a nationwide network, where recruitment takes place at several locations. With our solution, central HR management can rest easy because they can immediately see if intervention is needed anywhere.

For headhunters/recruitment companies who don’t want to sell a-pig-in a poke suprise package to their clients: based on BrandCruiter data, their partner can be sure that they will make the right choice.

Any large company or companies in an intensive expansion phase. Since it is a data-based system, at least 1000 applicants/year is recommended for operation.

Have we convinced you?

Join our partners, use the certified “company qualified by applicants” logo!

Show that it is important for your HR team that your applicants

  • can apply easily and quickly,

  • can receive correct feedback in all cases as soon as possible during the selection process are provided with all public professional and organizational information about the company for their own decision making.

Our partners

Did you know?

69% of applicants never reapply where they had an unpleasant selection experience.

54% of customers/users are influenced by their job seeking experience when choosing a product or service provider at the given company.

68% of applicants would be happy to be asked for their opinion on the selection process.


In Hungary, 55% of applicants are not appreciated by companies, not even with an automated response.

And if...

you have too little time to deal with recruitment, or it would help you to have a look at your processes from an outside perspective to support you with proven ideas, we created our recruitment workshop for you!

If you need help with a project or are planning to introduce a new ATS, our consulting, recruitment project management services will be the solution for you!

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